Congregational Care Ministry

Caring for one another is our calling as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, so much so that it is called the "Golden Rule." "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all of your mind." This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22: 37-39. What a joy and privilege it is to get to know as many persons in our family of faith as possible. If you want to offer some of your time to be in conversation with and to extend caring with others, please email Pastor Jannette. email

Stephen Ministry: The purpose of Stephen Ministry is to prepare and support Stephen Ministers in providing one-to-one distinctively Christian caregiving to persons in our congregation and the local community who are experiencing a challenging time of life and would benefit from ongoing care. We are looking for persons who are willing to offer a deliberate listeing heart to those who are facint life's challenges. Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of training in important caregiving skills and are commissioned to serve on behalf of our congregation. We meet twice monthly for the purposes of continuing education and peer supervision (which is confidential and only attended by Stephen Ministers and Stephen Leaders). At this currently there are 4 active Stephen Ministers and 2 Stephen Leaders.

Bereavement Team: Provide an opportunity for grieving families and friends to socialize and visit with one another after the funeral. We furnish refreshments for all and send left overs home with the family.

Prayer Chain: Log in to your Shelby Account to join the prayer chain and to receive prayer requests.